How to Trim a Cove Module for Perfect Fit in a U-Shape Cyclorama

With a built-in U-shape cyc that has a right wall, a left wall and a back wall, it is critical that the length of the back wall is trimmed so that it fits perfectly in between the two outer walls of your studio. This frequently means that one cove module in the back wall will have to be trimmed for a perfect custom fit to your space. The video below shows the Pro Cyc team following this process during a recent  tradeshow for the VIZRT booth. As more companies are installing 3-wall cycloramas, we felt it was important to highlight this process with written instructions as well, which you find below the video. As always, if you have any trouble or questions please contact our office directly.

To determine just how much you are going to need to trim, first assemble the coves and put in place both the right and left walls. It is important that they are put into place precisely as they will be positioned in the final installation. You may use a few screws to hold the coves into place, but do not fully fasten the walls because you will be removing them soon.

On the back wall, put the coves in place on both sides until you have a gap of less than 4 feet remaining in the middle. This is the space you will need to trim your module to fit. Measure the exact distance of the gap to within 1/8th of an inch and make sure that the gap is the same at the top and bottom of the coves.

Next, measure the distance from one of the outside edges of the straight floor cove that has not yet been used. Using a flexible straight edge of some kind, mark the line across the back of the module and cut it with a circular saw. Confirm that the trimmed part fits perfectly into the gap in the back wall.


U-shaped cyc wall after mudding and sanding.

U-shaped cyc wall after painting for use as a green screen.


Once you have confirmed that the part is the correct width, you are going trim the flange of the remaining side of the original module from which you cut the part and attach it to the side of the module that has just been cut to create a new flange. Using the same method you used to measure and cut the first piece, measure a distance of approximately 2 inches from the outside edge of the remaining flange and trim it off. You are going to use this piece to create the new flange on the freshly cut side of the trimmed module so that it can be properly bolted into place on the cyc.  NOTE: You will need to trim about one-half inch off both sides of the tapered part of the new flange so that it will mount flush with the other coves.

Next, position the new flange on the back of the cove and mark out exactly where it will be placed. Use ABS plastic glue or cement to fasten the new flange to the back of the module. Secure it in place with clamps until the glue is dry, making sure that all the edges are flush. Once the glue is dry, use coarse sandpaper to sand down any leftover glue residue.

Now, take the new part and line it up on the end of the module on the back wall of cove modules to which it will be attached. Making sure that the seam in the front where the two pieces join together is flush and even, clamp it in place and drill several new holes in the flange.  Now you can fasten the coves together with nuts, bolts and washers just you did with all the other coves that had pre-drilled holes.

Finally, put the newly joined piece in the gap that was left in the back wall, fastening it on both sides to the modules on either side. The cove modules of your U-shaped cyc should now be completely assembled and can be pushed back into place and permanently fastened to the walls.